ConnectKit Update 1.0.0
This update introduces Sign In With Ethereum and other helpful changes and additions to make your app better than ever. This release also officially moves ConnectKit out of beta and into a stable 1.0.0 release.
- Added Sign In With Ethereum support with a Next.js package to help with quick setup.
- Added an <Avatar /> component for developers to utilize the default ConnectKit avatar.
- Created a <CustomAvatar /> component for developers to override the default avatar.
- Added a walletConnectCTA option under options to choose whether to display the 'Copy to Clipboard' option under the WalletConnect QR code.
- Added a initialChainId option under options to customize the initially connected chain.
- Added a --ck-overlay-backdrop-filter property for custom themes to utilise the backdrop-filter property on the modal overlay.
- Added a new nouns theme to the built-in default themes. ⌐◨-◨
- Corrected some variable names for the secondary buttons.
- Updated Gnosis Safe to reflect their recent rebrand to 'Safe'.
- Wrong Network UX now suggests a network change and no longer blocks users from changing networks.
- Enabled TypeScript strict mode (bumped target to es6).
- Line break for "Scan with Coinbase Wallet" title if the font is too wide.
- Fix an SVG stop-color vs stopColor issue (thanks @keon).
- Added icon support for Arbitrum Goerli (thanks @mirshko).
- Unknown chain icon fallback (thanks @Bridgerz).
- Unnecessary SVGs and logos.