ConnectKit Update 1.2.2
This update improves the functionality and developer experience of using ConnectKit and moves the peer dependency wagmi up a version to 0.12.x.
This update does not yet include support for WalletConnect 2.0.
- Adds a Recent badge to the most recently used connector button by a user. This helps returning users reconnect easily and save time.
- Introduce SafeConnector into the default configuration for better support for Safe Apps. Learn more about this connector in the wagmi docs.
- Convenient onConnect and onDisconnect callbacks on the ConnectKitProvider component and useModal Hook.
- Added dedicated overlayBlur prop to ConnectKitProvider to allow for blurring the background when the modal is open.
- Update peer dependency wagmi to version 0.12.x.
- Added support for Node 14.
- Improved aria-labels on buttons for better accessibility.
- Icons within buttons are now properly horizontally centered on FireFox.
- Optimise some of the SVGs used in ConnectKit.
- Fixed a bug where changing accounts when signed-in with Ethereum would cause an infinite loop (thanks JamieLottering).