Edit Wallet Group names

Last updated 4 months ago

In Family, a Wallet Group is a collection of individual wallet addresses that are generated and interconnected by a single Secret Recovery Phrase. Instead of managing multiple Private Keys for numerous wallets, a Wallet Group allows you to oversee a cluster of separate wallet addresses using just one recovery phrase. Family gives you the option to edit a Wallet Group name to help you easily remember the individual wallets addresses associated with it.

How to edit Wallet Group names

From the Mission Control screen, you can quickly view how your wallets are associated by Wallet Group, and change their names. Here’s how:

  1. From the Mission Control screen, tap the Show Groups (branch) icon in the top right.
  2. To the right of a Wallet Group you would like to rename, tap the ellipsis icon to open Wallet Group Options.
  3. Select Edit Group Name.
  4. Type your desired name for the Wallet Group and then tap Done.