Mission Control

Last updated 4 months ago

Mission Control is the centralized hub for managing your wallets in Family. You can think of it as the home base for all your wallets, Wallet Groups, and wallets you watch. But it’s also where you can apply global settings and personalize your Family experience.

Create and import wallets

From the Mission Control screen, you can create and import an infinite number of wallets. You can Import a wallet by Secret Recovery Phrase , Import via Private Key, Import via Pocket, Recover an existing wallet with iCloud , or even Create a new wallet from scratch.

Keep your wallets organized

With all your wallets in one place, Family makes it easy to keep your wallets organized. Familiarizing yourself with Mission Control is how you keep your wallets organized and Remove wallets, Reorder your wallets, and Edit Wallet Group names. Mission Control is also where you can access Your Family, which lets you manage and personalize settings that apply globally across the app.